I am Mia Montalvan-Castrillo from the Philippines. I have been married for 11 years to my college sweetheart and have 4 princesses ages 9, 7, 3 and 8 months. I am the manager of our family household and a contributing writer to a local newspaper in our city. In between cooking, writing, taking my girls to school and generally taking care of our household, I scrap. And I'm pretty addicted to it. :-)
I started fixing my pictures when I was in high school but got really serious into it in 2004 after the birth of my 2nd daughter. I lean towards clean and simple scrapping with strong journaling. I scrap as a way of communicating to my loved ones. Nothing is more fulfilling than a hug and an appreciated word from a loved one who has just read my layout's journaling. Scrapping is my form of relaxation after a busy day. I love the creative process --- choosing papers, looking for the right embellishments, thinking of my journaling. I am SOO addicted that I think of journaling and layouts in the shower, while breastfeeding, before sleeping, while changing diapers, while cooking, and in almost every spare time I have. I scrapbook because it is how I am able to express my love for my husband and children. I scrapbook because I am a storyteller and I love telling the stories of my children.
You can find me at http://mcastrillo.blogspot.com
Thank you so much Mia, it's a pleasure to have you design for us this month.