It's time for challenge 14, which is the first challenge set by our Assistant DT Coordinator Vicki and the first lay-out's from our new '15th of the month' DT so here is the challenge:
Your challenge this month is to scrap a childhood fear. Maybe it's something silly from your past that makes your giggle now or something that still haunts you.
Please upload your LO's to our gallery, leave us a link in the comments or e-mail them to by 29th June to be in with a chance of becoming our July guest designer and this month the winner will also receive this gorgeous ribbon Kit from our June Sponsor
Angel Crafts - A big thank you to Angela for sponsoring us this month xx
Here's what our fantastic new DT came up with:
I was thrilled to pick this challenge and came with the idea when I was applying for the DT. I couldn't believe how scared I was when I thought I saw a real spider on this glass a while back. (And it's a cartoon spider sad is that?) My reaction made me feel like a kid again. I guess some childhood fear we can't shake no matter how old we are! Thanks for looking!
When I was young, my mum always told me how the witch in Snow White's story would get me and cut off my tongue if I lied. It struck a fear in me and lingered on, even when I knew much later that it was a fairytale only. Whenever I am reminded of the witches in some way, I will shudder. So of course, I did not enjoy my ride at Disneyland through Snow White's World
This layout is all about my fear of my bedroom curtains when I was about 2 years old. I loved those curtains, they had the little fred basset cartoon character on them. During the day brilliant, when it got to nighttime though they scared me half to death on occassions! I always thought the little dogs would jump off the curtain and nibble my toes in the night! I was convinced they were staring at me and their eyes followed me around the room! Good job I can laugh about it now and wasnt scared for life.

This has been a True Fear of mine since I was a small child!!! My Dad did take me on the Ferris Wheel and I was so very firghtened that I thought I was going to be sick!!! I tried to get on the Ferris Wheel with my daughter when she was child and the same thing to this day I cannot get on this beautiful ride!!!!
Leanne L
I used to be terrified when I was little that spiders would make their webs and live down the side of my bed where the sheets tucked in. How silly.........It freaked me out until I was about 8.
Describing my lifelong phobia. The hidden journalling hides a personal note about my recent treatment.
A funny childhood fear of mine was of my curtains/bed set that my mom had in my room when I was little. The background was brown and the pattern was just the head of the monkey all over. They're weren't cute monkeys, they were so scary looking LOL I didn't have a picture of the curtains, so I decided to do a "pop art" chimp photo. I chose Daisy D Bambino papers cause they're just so cute.

As a child I was scared of what was (or wasn't) under my bed!I'd imagine there were crocodiles or chainsaws or knives at the edges.I'd try to think happy thoughts of flowers and fun things.... but if I put by foot over the edge, I'd lose it! Scary - HUH??TFL, Sandra

Guest Designer For June - Lynnette

When I was a little girl I was afraid of mirrors. Yup! Mirrors!! It all started after watching movies like "Poltergeist" and "Candy Man". I couldn't help but get the chills whenever I came across a mirror. Of course, that fear has passed now. :)*If you look closely you will see the little circle objects framing the picture of me as a child are actually mini mirrors.
We look forward to seeing your creations....
Karen xxx