Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Our first Guest Designer is.........

Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Happy Holidays!!!!
From all of us at Butterfly Crafts xxxx
(p.s - Remember to check back on the 30th, to find out who our January guest designer will be. xx)
Friday, 19 December 2008
Karen xx
Monday, 15 December 2008
2nd Challenge.....
With the Holidays coming up, the next challenge is to create a lay-out about your favourite Holiday tradition. It can be any Holiday you celebrate and any tradition you like.
Here are some gorgeous examples from our DT:-
Every year it is a tradition in our houshold, to have a Christmas Photo Shoot with silly Christmas hats, reindeer antlers or elf ears.This year, we welcome Caden to the mix ! These are just some pics I did for practice. I am hoping to get one of both my boys together !
Our annual Christmas party, where my kids, their cousins, and a few of their good friends will gather on the staircase for a group photo. Nice way to keep track of how much the kids have grown year on year! The flower on the bottom right is actually attached to a hidden journaling tag behind the photo.
Muslims celebrate the festival of Aidilfitri, popularly known as 'Hari Raya' (Day of Celebration) to mark the culmination of Ramadhan, the holy month of fasting. On our 1st day of Raya, we usually go to my mum's house and eat delicacies such as 'ketupat' or rice cake and a meat cuisine called 'rendang' which are among the most famous cuisines that are served during this day. We normally had our makeup done there as it was the earliest hour in the morning and I really love this day!
Please upload your LO's to our gallery, leave us a link in the comments or e-mail them to Butterflycrafts1@aol.com by 30th Dec to be in with a chance of becoming our January guest designer.
We look forward to seeing your creations.
Karen xx
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Sunday, 30 November 2008
The First Challenge........


Sue Em

(Zizi and Maya's Lay-out's will follow shortly)
We can't wait to see all your lay-outs!!!!
Karen xxx
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
How the Blog will work......
Just thought I would let everyone know a little bit about how the 'Butterfly Crafts' challenge blog will work.
We will be setting challenges on the 1st and 15th of every month (starting Dec 1st)and everyone will have until the end of the month (around the 30th)to complete their lay-out's and either upload them to our gallery, e-mail a copy to me at Butterflycrafts1@aol.com or post a comment with a link to your work.
After the closing date I will pick my favourite lay-out from the months entries and that person will become our 'Guest Designer' for the following months '15th' challenge.
Hope this makes sense, if not please feel free the send me any questions.
I hope you will join us on Dec 1st for the first challenge!!!
Karen xxx
Monday, 17 November 2008
Introducing Our Design Team......
I've been scrapping for about 3yrs now. I got into card making first after making all my own wedding stationary. Then after the wedding I was looking for a way to show off all the wonderful photos we had taken, so while on Honeymoon to Boston I brought a US scrapbooking magazine and fell in love with it straight away. As soon as we got back I searched the Internet for scrapping sites and started buying stash.
My other hobbies include photography, reading and chatting with new friends online.
I'm so excited to start Butterfly Crafts and hope it with be a fun site for everyone.
Sue (AKA Sue Em) - Norway

I am passionate about scrapbooking, and I love trying new techniques and products ! I have been scrapping for about 4-5 years, and am totally hooked !
I love scrapping my boys, my friends and my family, and, I am particularly fond of heritage scrapping !
I am looking forward to my role here at Butterfly Crafts, and providing ideas and inspiration to scrap your passions !

I discovered scrapbooking almost four years ago at a home party and it felt like a match made in heaven. Scrapbooking is now my passion and my family is my inspiration. I love experimenting with new techniques and ideas. I work in traditional, digital and hybrid methods. I've been lucky enough to have been published a few times and have made some great friends, all thanks to this hobby. I’m so excited to be on the design team here!
Nina - Philippines

Samantha - Canada

Veronica -Singapore

Maya - Norway

Saturday, 15 November 2008
Last day of DT call....
Also I'm having a problem reading my e-mail's at the moment (Yahoo are doing maintenance this weekend - so annoying!!!!) so if you do want to try-out please send your applications to:
and could you please send a copy to:
(Please note if you applied before Friday, I have your applications)
Thank you
Karen xx
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Please send applications to butterfly_crafts@yahoo.co.uk
I look forward to seeing them.
Karen xx
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Example of a DT challenge
I'm a big fan of movie's so one challenge might be ' Design a LO using your fav movie as inspiration' so I might use a movie name as my LO title or the colours from the DVD sleeve, anything as long as it relates to that movie.
Hope this helps explain it a bit more?
Karen xx
Thursday, 23 October 2008
The Butterfly Crafts Forum.....
Karen xx
Teen DT Call.....
If you know someone who would be interested, please e-mail me at butterfly_crafts@yahoo.co.uk (please get permission from a parent or guardian before applying - thank you) including a photo of one of your layouts and your Name and country you live in. (Also please put 'Teen DT Call' in the subject line of your e-mail.)
Thank you - Karen
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
E-mail address correction.....
I look forward to your entries....
Karen xxx
Monday, 20 October 2008
DT Call
We are looking for an inspiring and energetic DT to design for ‘Butterfly crafts’ a new challenge Blog (Butterfly-crafts.blogspot.com)/Forum (http://butterflycrafts.ning.com/) with the main focus of scrapping your ‘Passions’.
Challenges will be set every 2 weeks and the DT will be split into 2 teams and expected to complete 1 layout every 4 weeks. (Please note - The blog and forum are just for fun and inspiration so I will not be able to offer any prizes of freebies for the DT)
DT Duties:
· Create one layout every 4 weeks
· Post and chat on our forum
· Promote ‘Butterfly Crafts’ where ever you can including on your personal Blogs
How to apply:
As ‘Butterfly Crafts’ will be all about your ‘passion’ we would like you to create a Layout about one of your personal passions.
Please send your Layout along with:
· Name, Address and e-mail address
· A short Bio about yourself
· A link to your Blog (if you have one)
to us at: Butterfly_crafts@yahoo.co.uk
The closing date for applications is November 16th and the DT will be contacted by November 20th. The DT term will last from December 1st 2008 – June 1st 2009.
The call is open to everyone no matter where you live.
Blog: Butterfly-crafts.blogspot.com
Forum: http://butterflycrafts.ning.com/
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Welcome to Butterfly Crafts
My name is Karen and I would like to welcome you to Butterfly Crafts!! I have some big scrapbooking and craft plans for this blog so please check back here on October 20th for more info on how you can become part of the fun.
Thanks for stopping by....
Karen xxx